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Torsa and Tribeca win the most coveted award in South Africa in the field of PR.

In December of last year (2022), Torsa began its landing in South Africa to establish its innovation hub for the...

Raúl Morales Espejo, welcome to Torsa.

Today we want to give a special welcome to Raúl Molares to the IT department of Torsa. Raúl has a...

Everything is based on metrics, on KPI: 80% decrease in reports of whiplash sick leave. (Video)

Torsa’s vibration monitoring system is not only a unique solution for occupational health in the world, but it also generates...

New Fleet Control module of the TORSAcloud platform: The value of data. (video)

The new fleet control module of the TorsaCloud Business Intelligence platform allows, in an integrated and intuitive way, all the...

Antapaccay is awarded by RIMAC thanks to Torsa’s technology, which reduces the probability of an incident up to 95%.

Cia. Minera Antapaccay  (Glencore) was recognized with the Excellence in Risk Prevention Award 2022 organized by RIMAC. The award, was...

ISEM awards Torsa’s technology in Antapaccay (GLENCORE)

Many thanks to El Comercio, Peru’s leading newspaper, for publishing Torsa’s success story at Antapaccay. The Instituto de Seguridad Minera...

TORSA Cloud, the business intelligence platform for mining by TORSA

All mining solutions developed by TORSA GLOBAL centralize their #data in a single #businessintelligence platform called TORSA Cloud in order...

TORSA GLOBAL at The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.

Today our colleague Emmanuel Nephiphidi is attending the event DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN MINING 2023 hosted by SAIMM – The Southern...

Clear understanding of the key aspects of the design and development of a collision avoidance system for the mining industry

After having our systems installed and have accumulated more than two millions of hours of operation, in TORSA GLOBAL we...

TORSA GLOBAL at DES | Digital Enterprise Show

Our colleague Curro Herrera Gaona, CMO of TORSA GLOBAL, is attending today DES | Digital Enterprise Show, the leading international...

Thanks to the consulting firm Delvens for placing TORSA GLOBAL among the top developers of Collision Avoidance Systems for mining in the world.

According to the report of Delvens, the global Collision Avoidance System Market in Mining Sector size of 5,266.91 million USD...


One of the most important mining exhibitions in the country, hosted by Revista Minérios & Minerales, starts today in Brazil....