The new fleet control module of the TorsaCloud Business Intelligence platform allows, in an integrated and intuitive way, all the reported data to be projected so that the end user can configure how they want to receive the information of each vehicle within the mining operation (positioning, activity, speed, interaction, inclination), everything is logged by the Torsa fleet control system: shovels, trucks, bulldozers, light vehicles, auxiliary vehicles or any other vehicle that needs to be controlled.
Monitoring can be done by individual vehicles, by groups, by hours, by days, and the reports and alerts are configured by the mining company in a setting that also attends to different user profiles where each one can receive a different type of information.
The video shows Torsa’s fleet control in a mine with more than one hundred vehicles interacting with each other, where the user can configure the day and time that at that moment needs to be controlled for the generation of a specific report.