Renovables TORSA

Real-time Monitoring of Pfizer Vaccine Logistics by Bidafarma with Torsa’s Borea Solution

In the midst of the global Covid-19 pandemic, one of the key strategies to address the crisis was the implementation of mass vaccination campaigns. Pfizer, as the developer of a highly effective vaccine against the virus, played a vital role, and one of its key distributors was Bidafarma. Given the severity and importance of the situation, Bidafarma sought a comprehensive solution for real-time monitoring of the logistics associated with the transportation, storage, and distribution of the Pfizer vaccine.

In this context, Torsa, a company that develops and manufactures its own solutions, presented its Borea system as the perfect solution to meet the demanding requirements for cold chain monitoring. Torsa’s Borea system stood out as the only one on the market capable of ensuring the traceability of the vaccine at -80 degrees, an essential condition for proper storage and transportation of the vaccine.

Bidafarma decided to place their trust in Torsa due to its recognized leadership in innovation and technological development. No other provider could offer what Torsa could provide: a complete system that included both hardware and software, ensuring a comprehensive and reliable solution for real-time monitoring of the vaccine supply chain.

The implementation of the Borea system allowed Bidafarma to have precise and real-time control over the temperature of all stored and transported vaccines. Furthermore, the system recorded the status of facility doors and generated configurable alerts according to the specific needs of the client.

Thanks to the Torsa Cloud platform, Bidafarma was able to access detailed reports and visualize the data collected by the Borea system in real-time. This constant monitoring capability and the ability to take proactive measures in case of temperature deviations or unexpected events were crucial to ensure the integrity of the vaccines throughout the entire logistics process.


Torsa’s solution not only met Bidafarma’s expectations but also exceeded their most demanding requirements. The combination of technological innovation, customized development, and commitment to the client demonstrated Torsa’s ability to provide comprehensive and reliable solutions in critical environments.

In summary, the success of this case was based on the trust placed in Torsa as a leading provider, the demonstrated capacity for technological innovation and development through the Borea system, and the constant commitment to providing a comprehensive solution, both in hardware and software, for real-time monitoring of the logistics associated with the distribution of the Pfizer vaccine.

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